Funny sentences from Unit 8

Find the mistakes!

Find all the mistakes and correct them, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints.

Each sentence contains one mistake.

Do you like food?
Do you only see your family the weekend?
Do you wear uniform?
Do you a lorry?
Do you work in office?
Do you like food?
Do you work night?
Do you go school?
Do you like job?
you work in a big bank?
Do you work in a restaurant?
Do you work in a shop?
Do you to work by car?
Do you work computers?
Do you work with other ?
Do you smart clothes?
Do you do housework?
Do you work in an ?
Do you like ?
Do you work Sundays?
Do you get during the week?
Do you come home lunch?
Do you work a ?
Do you work the day?
Do you get early in the morning?
Do you make fresh pizza day?