There is something wrong with the verbs in these sentences.

Find the mistakes and correct them.

Press "Check" to check your answers.

You miss the supermarket, it's right over there.
Don't to music in the classroom.
I from Switzerland.
I don't .
She up at seven in the morning.
We clothes and shoes.
They aren't Chinese, they from Japan.
a look, that' San Francisco.
How many brothers you got?
We everything fresh from the market.
I only them at the weekend.
Let us the car.
Don't a lot of noise in the break.
She to work by car.
your bicycle.
a glass of orange juice.
She in a bank.
It's nice to you here.
the road for about 150 metres.
He fish and chips.
hello to your uncle.
I got any pencils.
People into the fountains on New Year's Eve.
They football.
She is from Italy, she French.
He a nice mountain bike.
How do you Scotland.
Can I a message?
some sandwiches.
I would a milkshake.
out of the building and right.
you tell me the way to the train station.
Is this seat ?
five rivers in Switzerland.
They like loud music.
you from Great Britain?
When it , they get wet.
Can you your name?
that an awful picture?
You can stars from Elvis to the Beatles.
the instructions.
chew gum during classes.
My friends me Sue.
Nice to you.